Resilient Ecosystems

The Dragonfly-e Initiative

MIT Project

Team Leader
Walter Ribeiro
Solution Name:
The Dragonfly-e Initiative
One-line solution summary:
A mobile app to easily track and report both consumers’ and companies’ carbon emissions, and to gamify reducing users’ carbon footprints.
Pitch your solution.

Soaring carbon emissions are creating global warming. Luckily, consumers are interested in changing their consumption habits.

Unfortunately, many companies have not moved toward carbon-neutral or -negative operations, in accordance with consumers’ expectations. Many companies even “greenwash” their corporate reports, to appear more environmentally friendly than they are. This means consumers and investors can’t make informed choices that are in line with their values.

We propose the development of a mobile app that allows consumers and investors easy, intuitive access to a database of verified information about companies’ and products’ carbon emissions. With a gamification component, we will incentivize consumers to reduce their own carbon footprint. Investors can also use our app to boost ecologically sustainable initiatives.

This radical transparency initiative can shine light on corporate malfeasance while elevating companies that make ethical choices, dramatically transforming how consumers and investors make both large and small decisions.

What specific problem are you solving?

According to the Yale Program on Climate Communication, 72% of Americans in 2020 said that global warming is real, and happening now. 57% said that global warming is anthropogenic. While these numbers are still low compared to global averages, a consensus is appearing, and concern is mounting rapidly.

However, American corporations do not currently have a strong incentive to honestly report their environmental impact beyond basic (and weakened) EPA requirements. Many companies, worldwide, obfuscate their carbon emissions and other pollution, to appeal to consumers and investors, and avoid regulation. The scanty data that are available are difficult for laypeople to understand and use for decision-making. This is a vast, systemic problem that prevents consumers and investors, worldwide, from making rational choices. Governments have been slow to address these transparency issues, likely due to corporate influence.

We believe that the growing public consensus on global warming will lead to greater interest in transparency. Our app invites companies to move toward greater transparency immediately, by submitting information about and verification of their carbon emissions. We believe investors and consumers will reward companies that are transparent about their impact, and make ecologically sustainable choices: all they need is accurate and clear information.

What is your solution?

Creating an App able to gathering volunteered information from consumers into the supply and value chain relationship while  promoting Education, Inclusion, Accountability and Sponsorship:

The EdInAS Model App.

The EdInAS would collect information from any giving volunteer site either private or public, identifying the challenges and

Using the gathering information to create a comprehensive and reliable Carbon Inventory by tracking participants’ volunteered  carbon foot print information

Design a specific set of solutions using collected data. 

Calculate Carbon and target Goals using tested and working proven mitigating measures either by equipment or practices

Present the case(s) of real a life mitigation plan of action as a “Mission”, in a strategy global multi player Video Game, to solve that specific issue and implement the solution as a ASET Plant Site.

ASET Plant will provide a set of measures and equipment’s pre-designed, standardized with equal proved capacity of Carbon Reduction, Sequestration, renewable fuels and sustainable CHP generation.       

Display a “Mission Briefing“, equipment characteristics, options and how would apply to the solution and how much should be the cost for implementation.

Players engaging and fulfilling the mission requirement, investing in a green projects world wide.

Sign, pick, click and change!     

Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?

The Dragonfly-e, Inc. is particularly concerned with the power imbalance between individuals and corporations. The last 40 years have seen a dramatic power shift in the United States: away from individuals, governments, and labor unions, and toward private corporations. This has led to a reduction in government regulation, a decrease in corporate transparency, a shift of wealth from ordinary Americans to the ultra-wealthy, and an increase in corporate waste and governmental graft. These changes have gone hand-in-hand with a tremendous increase in emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

By providing consumers information about their own carbon footprint and that of corporations, we are empowering consumers with knowledge about the real activities of companies, and how they affect consumers’ lives. We’re also building a functionality into the EdInAS app which allows customers to invest their money in green companies. This will empower them to receive a financial return on their investment, offset their own carbon emissions in the EdInAS inventory’s calculations, and support companies that are in line with their environmental values.

The Dragonfly-e is based out of rural Minnesota, in a HUBZone. We engage daily with consumers who are economically disadvantaged, and who are often in the dark about how corporations affect their lives. These people are the target audience for EdInAS users. We are engaged in other projects to ascertain and meet these communities’ environmental and economic needs: our biggest project is the installation of a network of anaerobic biodigesters, fueled by a green cooperative of local farmers and ranchers who load their farm waste onto environmentally-friendly trucks.

However, we believe that our EdInAS app has applications beyond our local area. We’re eager to partner with consumers, eco-conscious investors, and small, sustainable companies around the world, because we recognize that the problems we identify are not unique to one particular region or country.

Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?
  • Provide scalable and verifiable monitoring and data collection to track ecosystem conditions, such as biodiversity, carbon stocks, or productivity.
Explain how the problem you are addressing, the solution you have designed, and the population you are serving align with the Challenge.

Even experts find it difficult to properly understand business’ carbon emissions, due to companies’ poor disclosure practices, and the complexity of the issue. Our project will both compile and clarify these data for consumers and investors, first in Minnesota and then for the broader global community.

Equalizing Agri-food Industry, public, commercial and private transportation carbon foot print while focusing on solving climate change and GHG Emissions by elaborating a plan of action with the transparency of a video game, would become a land mark on Ecosystem Resiliency solutions financed by private investors.

ASET Plant  is scalable and 100% community oriented.  

In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?
Wadena, MN, USA
What is your solution’s stage of development?
  • Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
Explain why you selected this stage of development for your solution.

Our organization has existed for 18 months. During that time, we’ve had difficulty finding traction for our projects, due to local skepticism about environmental initiatives and very little capital in the area.

We are still in the process of garnering support for the EdInAS inventory and its corresponding app. We are coordinating with app developers in our CEO’s native country of Brazil, and are beginning initial inquiries with green companies in our area.

Who is the Team Lead for your solution?
Walter P Ribeiro, The dragonfly-e Inc, CEO
Which of the following categories best describes your solution?
  • A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
What makes your solution innovative?

We’ve seen both regulatory and journalistic efforts to increase corporate transparency. But these have generally taken the form of punishing companies via taxes or lawsuits, or simply providing information to the public. This information is often dense and difficult to process. Most of the information scolds consumers and investors for their choices, rather than telling them the most ethical ways to behave.

We believe that focusing on “sticks” rather than “carrots” – on both the supply and demand sides of the equation – is insufficient for creating urgently-needed change. Very few of these initiatives have worked to reward companies that provide useful, clear information about their carbon emissions and other pollution, and none of them have incentivized consumer and investor action. Companies have few reasons to stop polluting, and no real incentive to behave ethically. We aim to encourage ethical disclosure and action via investment and consumption, facilitated by the EdInAS inventory and its app.

Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:
  • Ancestral Technology & Practices
  • Audiovisual Media
  • Behavioral Technology
  • Biotechnology / Bioengineering
  • Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
  • Software and Mobile Applications
Select the key characteristics of your target population.
  • Elderly
  • Rural
  • Urban
  • Poor
  • Low-Income
  • Middle-Income
  • Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
  • Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
  • Persons with Disabilities
Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?
  • 1. No Poverty
  • 2. Zero Hunger
  • 3. Good Health and Well-being
  • 4. Quality Education
  • 5. Gender Equality
  • 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
  • 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
  • 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 10. Reduced Inequality
  • 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 13. Climate Action
  • 14. Life Below Water
  • 15. Life on Land
  • 17. Partnerships for the Goals
How many people does your solution currently serve? How many will it serve in one year? In five years?

The Dragonfly-e, Inc. is particularly concerned with the power imbalance between individuals and corporations. The last 40 years have seen a dramatic power shift in the United States: away from individuals, governments, and labor unions, and toward private corporations. This has led to a reduction in government regulation, a decrease in corporate transparency, a shift of wealth from ordinary Americans to the ultra-wealthy, and an increase in corporate waste and governmental graft. These changes have gone hand-in-hand with a tremendous increase in emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

The Dragonfly-e is based out of rural Minnesota, in a HUBZone. We engage daily with consumers who are economically disadvantaged, and who are often in the dark about how corporations affect their lives. These people are the target audience for EdInAS users. We are engaged in other projects to ascertain and meet these communities’ environmental and economic needs: our biggest project is the installation of a network of anaerobic biodigesters, fueled by a green cooperative of local farmers and ranchers who load their farm waste onto environmentally-friendly trucks.

However, we believe that our EdInAS app has applications beyond our local area. We’re eager to partner with consumers, eco-conscious investors, and small, sustainable companies around the world, because we recognize that the problems we identify are not unique to one particular region or country.

How are you measuring your progress toward your impact goals?

Our primary metrics for success will be:

1) The amount of money invested in green initiatives via the EdInAS app.

2) The collective reduction of the carbon footprint of individual users of the EdInAS app.

3) The average reduction of the carbon footprint of individual users of the EdInAS app.

4) The collective reduction of the carbon footprint of all corporations listed in the EdInAS inventory, or using the EdInAS app.

5) The average reduction of the carbon footprint of all corporations listed in the EdInAS inventory, or using the EdInAS app.

What type of organization is your solution team?
  • For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
How many people work on your solution team?

We currently have two full-time and three part-time members of our team. We are considering hiring contractors for app development, legal advice, and other concerns, but we have not yet done so.

How long have you been working on your solution?
5+ Years and counting
How are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?

We’ve assembled a diverse team of app designers, artists, grant writers, corporate liaisons, and other specialists who bring their expertise and passion for environmentalism to the project. Much of our team is based out of or has its roots in Brazil, a country that’s facing some of the most severe crises – and opportunities – of climate change.

We’re continuing to investigate expanding our team, especially from the largely untapped, economically disadvantaged areas of rural Minnesota trough our partnership with University of Minnesota RSDP and CERTS.

For the last years or CEO and Founder has try to implement clean energy and sustainability, while mostly unexplored where is needed the most.

With “Hands On Experience”, we researched since earlier stages of any project development, we learned how much diesel a farm operation consumes every campaign .

Driving Diesel trucks in a Harvesting Campaign, we learned why farm operations carry on fossil fuel for transportation and operation purposes.

We learned from transportation Companies their concerns.

We learn the steps to install an Anaerobic Digester, how it works or don’t work and why is so costly.

From the Energy Commission we learned why Utility Companies are not interested in renewable energy, but advertise Nuclear and Hydropower as Carbon Neutral solutions instead

From Benson Minnesota, the first city hosting a recycle organic bio mass fueled Power Plant, producing over 5 Megawatts of power, unfortunately Failed after few years of operation.

We learn from international automobile developers what they expect from EV charging Stations  

What is your approach to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive leadership team?

We have several historically underrepresented and marginalized groups already represented in our team, including but not limited to women, immigrants and foreign nationals, Latinx people, non-English speakers, economically disadvantaged people, LGBTQ+ people, and Indigenous people.

Each member of our core team has strong personal connections with these marginalized groups. We plan to draw upon these connections when bringing new workers onto our team.

We firmly believe that diversity allows us useful perspectives which are underrepresented in most of the business world. We are committed to seeking out members of marginalized groups to improve the diversity of our team.

Do you primarily provide products or services directly to individuals, to other organizations, or to the government?
  • Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Why are you applying to Solve?

We believe that our project is a unique solution to the urgent problems of climate change and income inequality. We are delighted that MIT Solve shares our passion for resolving these critical issues. We’re excited by the prospect of entering a global community of individuals and organizations that share our passion for work that benefits humanity.

We are aware that we’re starting from humble origins, and our project is a long shot – especially to address huge systemic problems like these. But we know that with the assistance of MIT Solve we know we’ll be closer to success.

That’s that felling motivating the Dragonfly-e Initiative team.

In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?
  • Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
  • Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
  • Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
  • Legal or Regulatory Matters
  • Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
  • Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
  • Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
  • Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
Please explain in more detail here.

The EdInAS APP is The main support for the whole Dragonfly-e Initiative to succeed, is based on collecting field information and data, identifying the size of any giving environmental aggression therefore dimensioning the solution. 

Each Piece of equipment that will be installed to mitigate one individual problem, needs a product development team.

Even considering the equipment as standard characteristics, a team have to coordinate the implementation with locals, calculating demand and verifying potential  suppliers either for work force, material, equipment, services and licenses and permits as well as Organic Material Suppliers, Energy demand, Loads, Input and Output. 

Current local environmental regulations, National Electrical code, Business licenses, permits, inspections, marketing and dead lines.

By collecting data from users or “Sponsors” volunteering data from ordinary daily activities adding the information to EdInAS App. To ensure success we need to synchronize all the intel and efforts trough the APP, among all users.

We’re going to need plenty of assistance with this app. We’re hunting down teams of app developers and environmental economists, learning about investment regulations, seeking investors, refining our business model, looking for companies to partner with and beta testers to try out our app, and trying to figure out the best ways to verify the data we receive from companies and individuals. Any assistance we can obtain would be greatly appreciated!

What organizations would you like to partner with, and how would you like to partner with them?

We’d love to partner with programmers, economists, and fact checkers, whether from MIT, think tanks, investigative journalism outfits, or other organizations. We have no specific partners in mind, but we’re very interested in securing partners to assist us with the more difficult aspects of developing EdInAS: how to price carbon credits, how to best construct our app, how to fact-check companies’ claims, how to best incentivize positive investment, and so forth.

Do you qualify for and would you like to be considered for The Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion? If you select Yes, explain how you are qualified for the prize in the additional question that appears.
  • Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Explain how you are qualified for this prize. How will your team use The Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion to advance your solution?

The Dragonfly-e Initiative can only solve problems in accordance to up to date intel with real data and information enough to justify implementing solutions. 

Developing different approaches able to facilitate  equipment to be deployed world wide in accordance with a large array cultures and local costumes, will demand a well trained work force and leadership.

From working routines, maintenance, operation and practical EdInAS Application, we need locals from all around the world to provide us the necessary intel to succeed. 

We count with refugees who intent to successfully adapt to a new sustainable economy while helping, even if far from home, to develop the neighborhoods and communities where they come from, as consultants, facilitating global transition to a carbon neutral economy. 

They can help The Dragonfly-e Initiative to evolve with equity and inclusion relying on cultural diversity.

Minnesota, the probable site of our first pilot happens to have the opportunity to embrace refugees from all around the world, learning from them would help us to develop and deploy The Dragonfly-e Initiative solutions world wide.

Promoting solutions offering inclusion, supporting new technologies with broad practical application may be the recipe to bring hope, equity and pride to a successful multicultural team effort united for a better world. 

The funds would be used to better understand needs and to develop tools and necessary material to expand The Dragonfly-e initiative all over the world based on their first person experience from different sites and culture world wide, while developing new skills.

Do you qualify for and would you like to be considered for The GM Prize? If you select Yes, explain how you are qualified for the prize in the additional question that appears.
  • Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Explain how you are qualified for this prize. How will your team use The GM Prize to advance your solution?

The Greatest issue transitioning from a Fossil Fuel Based economy into a Carbon Free or Carbon Neutral sustainable economy would be the abundance of existent infra structure to support GHG Emissions under the excuse of no better economical choice and lack of proper sustainable green mechanisms to evolve from that to a 0 Emissions 0 Carbon foot Print, 100 % recycle economy.

The opportunity to reconciliate individuals with a diversified back ground from different cultures into a very exciting opportunity to add without the negative stigma of been a burden to a society or community that welcome them. Such thoughts are common from those trying to adapt becoming a productive and successful member of that new neighborhood, community or society without loosing their own cultural signature can be one step forward to the right direction.  

We need individuals that understand the need for change, speaks local dialects, advising about their cultures and needs.  

Green and Sustainable economy is a overwhelming new approach to a decadent but  some how  “Working” system.

Granting the less fortunate, either in USA or anywhere in the world the abilities to evolve becoming a Healthier Consumer Marketing  to absorb new products complying with a  resilient ecosystem while supporting intelligent and healthier supply and consumer relationships require education, inclusion, accountability and sponsorship in a two way road. 

We believe our Solution have the ability of changing global green investments market and projects and investors dynamics. Therefore we need a diversified approach from those who understand the challenges, the need for change and  better than no one else can rely on their own life experience helping us to accomplish our mission.

The GM Prize would help us to develop multi cultural learning material, accommodating different cultures, religion, faith, personal options to a world without borders and a life without fear. To learn and adapt to a world of rights, respect and equality.  

Do you qualify for and would you like to be considered for the Innovation for Women Prize? If you select Yes, explain how you are qualified for the prize in the additional question that appears.
  • No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
Do you qualify for and would you like to be considered for the Minderoo Prize to End Global Overfishing? If you select Yes, explain how you are qualified for the prize in the additional question that appears.
  • No, I do not wish to be considered for this prize, even if the prize funder is specifically interested in my solution
Do you qualify for and would you like to be considered for The ServiceNow Prize? If you select Yes, explain how you are qualified for the prize in the additional question that appears.
  • Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Explain how you are qualified for this prize. How will your team use The ServiceNow Prize to advance your solution?

The Dragonfly-e Initiative is happening!

The need for change has arrived at the roughest environment, The Rural and AG environment.

Carbon foot print is changing the course of how ordinary people perceive their own place on Earth.

Climate change is visible and noticeable, and to mobilize the large number of individuals who lost their dream due to social immobility, we have to promote digital inclusion.

From close to far, elaborating a network of servers hosting data from local projects while providing connectivity for communities served by sustainable energy parallel grids, can become an option to ensure cyber security and sensitive information data resource on localities where internet is poor and slow.

That prize would help us to adequate, design and deploy such measures and systems, also teaching local work force how to operate and gathering data, either digital, synthetic or by field work inputs, real time data.  

Do you qualify for and would you like to be considered for The AI for Humanity Prize? If you select Yes, explain how you are qualified for the prize in the additional question that appears.
  • Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Explain how you are qualified for this prize. How will your team use The AI for Humanity Prize to advance your solution?

We were working to build a network of anaerobic biodigesters that spans the Midwest, along with the cooperative infrastructure to support them. We’re receiving support from the University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnership (RSDP), and we’re investigating potential partnerships with the City of Sebeka and the White Earth Band of Ojibwe.

A questionnaire will be developed and local businesses, farmers and residents of undeveloped rural communities will be interviewed to gather information and input on possible sites for solid-waste sources to contribute to a network of organic material processing sites to process organic waste into clean energy by means of anaerobic digestion. 

Anaerobic biodigester minimizes the amount of GHG gasses released by the farms into the environment by around 66%. The reduction of the gases earns the operation carbon credits which can be sold to generate extra revenue.

As technocrats serving an Econocracy, investors only understands Immediate profit and high return of investment.

Only Agri-food Industry major operations- self denominated “Rural Coops”-can afford the costs for installing such equipment, smashing small farmers and family business, while taking advantage of USDA financial programs.

The Dragonfly-e Initiative envisioning an opportunity to share the benefits of AD and other technologies among communities in need to explore all possibilities to overcome imminent bankruptcy.  

Econocracies are the new real treat to Democracy, free market and to the American Way of life. 

A economy can only be as strong as it less wealth member.

Promoting social equity is the real challenge for a sustainable economy.

Do you qualify for and would you like to be considered for The GSR Prize? If you select Yes, explain how you are qualified for the prize in the additional question that appears.
  • Yes, I wish to apply for this prize
Explain how you are qualified for this prize. How will your team use The GSR Prize Prize to advance your solution?

Our project uses online investment technology and carbon credits to encourage micro investments, in order to alleviate poverty and wealth inequality among our app’s users. The GSR Prize money would go a long way to support our operations, helping us to pay contractors and further refine our app so it’s ready to release.

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